Be conscious of God’s presence – Part 2

[FILES] Pastor W. F. Kumuyi
The presence of God is not imagined, supposed or theoretical. It is actual and “omni” (that is, everywhere). Therefore, there is no place as high as the sky or as deep as the sea or as far to the east or west, in light or darkness that you cannot find Him or where He cannot detect you. There is no hiding place from the all-seeing God.

“Can anyone hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.” If a man can make security gadgets that capture and record pictures, actions and words without the targeted persons knowing it, the Almighty God can do much more. Prophet Jonah thought He could successfully travel a different direction from where God sent him and hide there. But God used a fish to pick him up and bring him back to the gates of Nineveh. God knows and sees the evil things people say and do secretly in their homes, churches, schools or workplaces. Hence, there is no hiding place from His all-seeing eyes, just as there is no hidden person before the all-knowing God.

The all-knowing God knows every person; and no one can hide from Him in the crowd. He knows our intentions, actions, inactions, laziness and dutifulness. Even “the darkness hideth (nothing) from (Him.)”

God created everything in a wonderful way. He did not create us in a hurry. Thinking about our bone structure, organ compactness, movement and the working of our body, the psalmist concluded: “Marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Thus, he gave glory to God because of the wonderful creation of man. If He has done such a wondrous work in the physical, He will create in us all that we need to be alive spiritually and serve Him acceptably.

God and godliness go together; sin and Satan go together. A sinful life that ends in sin will spend eternity with Satan. A godly life that ends in godliness will spend eternity with God. Thus, godliness should be the acceptable pursuit of every believer. At all times, we can be rest assured of the thoughtful promises of God.

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!” Like the psalmist, we must honour God who is always the same in the day and in the night. We cannot number all His good thoughts concerning us. He has given innumerable promises to address every situation, predicament, problem or challenge that we may face, which will be fulfilled in our lives. Conversely, He has reserved a terrible punishment for the godless.

From generation to generation, good things will keep happening to the godly. But judgment will come upon the wicked. The Lord will “slay the wicked.” Therefore, we must separate ourselves from people who the psalmist described as “bloody men.” They speak against God — slander and belittle Him — and take “(His) name in vain.” Believers should not encourage such blasphemers who hate God. It is outrageously evil and wicked to associate with them because “the Lord, our God shall cut them off.”

Conscious of all this, in this New Year, we must, like the Psalmist pray the three-fold prayer of the godly. The psalmist prayed to God at the conclusion of this Psalm: firstly, to “Search” and “try” him (Psalm 139:23; Jeremiah 17:10,11; Revelation 2:23b). God can search and try anyone; and when He does, His blessings rest upon those who open up to Him for correction and cleansing.

Secondly, he prayed the Lord to “know (his) heart… and… thoughts” (Psalm 139:23; Job 34:31,32; Philippians 3:15b) and reveal how unclean and unacceptable he was. This is because he could not discern or decipher the consequences of his thoughts. He acknowledged that only the Lord could search and know anyone truly.

Thirdly, he asked the Lord to “see if there be any wicked way in (him).” Though his sins were forgiven, God knew more. If He found anything that was contrary to His expectation, he pleaded that He should “lead (him) in the way everlasting” (Psalms 139:24; 51:2,7; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 143:10).

This New Year believers still have the opportunity to pray like the Psalmist. As we do so sincerely, the eternal, all-knowing God will cleanse, refine, reform and make us new enough to be in His presence forever.

• Further reading (King James Version): Psalm 139:1-24; Jeremiah 17:9,10; Hebrews 4:13; John 2:24, 25; Acts 1:23-24. Psalms 50:19-22; Malachi 3:13-16; Matthew 12:36, 37; James 3:5, 6; Job 11:7-9; 42:2-6; Romans 11:33; Isaiah 40:28; Jeremiah 23:23, 24; Proverbs 15:11; Amos 9:2, 3; Job12:22; Isaiah 29:15; Daniel 2:22; Psalms 104:24; Isaiah 44:24; Jeremiah 1:5; Psalms 31:19; 40:5; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalms 9:17; 94:23; Matthew 25: 41; Jude 1:13-16; Jeremiah 17:10; Job 34:31, 32.


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