Barbing salon operator dies after electrocution while attacking EEDC facility in Enugu

A barbing salon operator, Tochukwu Onah has been electrocuted while allegedly attempting to vandalize the distribution transformer of the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC).

Guardian gathered that the lifeless body of the salon operator was discovered in the early hours of yesterday, at Ede Oballa, Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State within the space of a distribution transformer belonging to the EEDC.

EEDC’s Communications Director, Emeka Ezeh, confirmed that ” It is suspected that he was electrocuted while attempting to vandalize the distribution transformer which already had some of its cables severed”

The deceased was identified as an indigene of Ede-Oballa (the same community where the transformer is located).

Ezeh, described the incident as very unfortunate, lamenting that it had cut the young man’s life short at its prime.

He recalled the numerous cases of vandalism recorded by the company last year, which negatively impacted not just the quality of service to its customers, but its revenue.

He, therefore, called on the public, especially those who are quick at pointing accusing fingers at employees of the company to also look inwards, “as some of the perpetrators of these attacks may be residing within the neighborhood or community”.

Ezeh recounted an experience sometime in November last year, after a transformer was vandalized in the same Ede Oballa community, where their representatives directly accused employees of EEDC of being responsible for the attack, alleging that “they are the ones who understand electricity.”

“As fate would have it, the deceased happens to be one of their own, an indigene of the community whom we were told operated a barbing salon and had never been associated with anything relating to electricity, talk less of being an employee of EEDC.”

According to the company’s spokesperson, vandalism has been a big challenge to the company, and there is no way it can deal with it alone without the support of its stakeholders.

He, therefore, appealed to customers to join hands with company to fish out the few individuals who live among them that are making life miserable for the larger public, instead of engaging in unfounded allegations, where employees of the company are accused of being the perpetrators of this ugly act.

He reiterated the company’s position on any of its employees found to be involved in such act, stressing that the person will not only be shown the way out, but will be prosecuted, as the company has zero tolerance for criminal act.

Ezeh affirmed that in all the arrests that have been made, none of the suspects has been identified as staff of the company, neither has any of the suspects apprehended claim that they were working or colluding with any employee of the company.

He extended the condolences of the EEDC to the family of the deceased, and hoped that the incident served as deterrent to those engaging in act of sabotage.


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