Guardian Nigeria

Dressing, vogue and decency (2)

It is, however, a sad commentary to note that the youths of nowadays and even adult parents, are daily losing their sense of decency in the name of vogue, modernity, “new school”
9 years ago

Farewell to a gentle giant

JONAH Tali Lomu who recently died at the age of 40 at his home in Auckland, New Zealand, was the first global superstar of rugby union. A child of Tongan immigrants, his
9 years ago

My return to Lagos

I consider myself a Lagosian. I was born in Lagos. I had a substantial part of my education in Lagos. My wife and all my children were born in Lagos. If the
9 years ago

Our destiny in our hands

ECONOMICS was always one subject that had a great crush on me in my secondary school and later the university. Economics is ruled largely by laws but an interesting aspect of it
9 years ago

Civil society cautions INEC over partisanship

A civil society organization, the Center for Youth Empowerment and Development has advised the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to stop engaging as defence counsel private legal practitioners who are already engaged
9 years ago

Nigeria’s debt sustainable, says DMO

The nation’s debt manager- Debt Management Office (DMO) has affirmed that the country’s debt profile is sustainable, despite volatilities in the international capital market and cascading oil prices.
9 years ago