Aregbesola dares SDP to publish his assets

Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola has dared the state chapter of the Social Democratic party (SDP) to publish his


assets publicly saying he has nothing to hide since he took over the mantle of leadership in the state.

Aregbesola spoke yesterday in reaction to the threat by the SDP, which alleged that the governor had amassed huge wealth since he became governor in the state at the expense of the citizens.

He said the SDP is fond of telling lies and has never got its facts and figures right in respect of the state resources and how they are being judiciously managed by his administration before the party leadership started feeding the public with fallacy.

In a statement by the Director, Bureau of Communications and Strategy, Office of the Governor, Semiu Okanlawon, he noted ‘’Our attention has been drawn to a statement said to have been issued by the Social Democratic Party in Osun where it asked the Governor of Osun Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola to publicly declare his assets.

“The SDP is obviously looking for things to hold on to in order to be relevant for the party was not the one that asked Aregbesola to fulfill the constitutional duty of declaring his assets before and after his first term before he did so.

“The SDP and it’s leaders certainly need some education on what is called security votes as their allegation of Aregbesola collecting N25 billion security vote is nothing but a laughable demonstration of lack of knowledge of what constitutes security votes.

“They need to be educated that funds spent by any governor to tackle unfortunate cases of violence, natural disasters and other emergencies come under security votes. Therefore no governor with serious commitments to the welfare of his people and in haste to transform his state like Aregbesola goes about hiding under the guise of security votes to enrich himself.

“The SDP, after all its lies have been exposed by the facts and figures of the revenues in the state, is out in search of fresh allegations. It has missed the point again. Aregbesola has proved that governance is not about enriching self but using the resources of the people for their utmost good.’’

“With the very meagre resources available to his government, he has laid a solid foundation for the future development which no one can fault.

“The party’s cooked up figures of revenues have been proved to the whole world to be fake and of no consequence. It is therefore pertinent to ask the party to go ahead and publish what it has in its possession”, the statement said.

