Ambode And The Tours Of Lagos


“AMBO, a tide” in English literarily means “we are coming and here we are, we have arrived”. This is usually the resounding slogan of the people everywhere the train of the Ambode Campaign Organisation (AMCO) had gone throughout Lagos State. From Apapa to Ifako/Ijaye/Ojokoro in every town and council areas there was always a massive and mammoth crowd jubilantly welcoming Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, the All Progressive Congress (APC) governorship candidate, his team and other APC leaders. It was always a carnival everywhere and every time Ambode shows up.

  At Ifako Ijaye, Ambode spoke of his readiness and belief in his capacity to take Lagos to the next level. He said that his experience in governance and the opportunity God had given him to work with the visionary Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and the incumbent governor Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) will help him to fulfill the hope of Lagosians for a better and more excellent Lagos.

   In his words “Lagos needs an excellent administrator to make the excellence continue. With all sense of modesty, I am that excellent administrator with the requisite experience to make this dream of continuity fulfilled.”

  He counseled that Lagos is too complex to be entrusted into the hand of an inexperienced leader. Lagos is too strategic to be handed over to the locust and those who have all along desired to “capture” it.

  Ambode went further to say that “this impunity and corruption at the centre must stop, we must all work together by voting for the APC at all levels to make Lagos and Nigeria work for all”.

  “Indeed the past 16 years of the People Democratic Party government can best be described as the years of the locust. Nothing is working except on paper. All their claims are too little to make any difference in the life of the majority of Nigerians while they continue to celebrate tokenism.

  Governor Babatunde Fashola (SAN) was on hand to eulogise the APC candidate. He urged the people of Lagos to “take all he said as a covenant made in honour.

  “The APC is a party of the fulfillment of promises, I am even happier that in Ambode, we’ve got a leader who will continue, complete and consolidate all the good works in Lagos state.” In his conclusion, Fashola advised the people of Lagos “Use your PVCs to remove PDP, to vote for the APC, to vote for Ambode and to vote for performance, to vote for good governance as against corruption and unfulfilled promises”

 Party leaders who spoke to the overwhelming crowd at the rally, reassured them of Ambode’s capabilities and the importance of getting their PVCs. 

 Ambode’s campaign train also hit the road in Coker, Itire all in Surulere area; Shomolu and Bariga area were not also left out. In all these places the reception was awesome and overwhelming. The shout of Ambo, Ambo rent the air! The APC candidate is showered with so much love and acceptance among the people.

  His message of continuity which has made Lagos the pride of the nation, and glimpse of hope for the greatness inherent in the people was well received. This is in complete contrast to the hopelessness that the PDP government has festered on the nation for the past 16 years. The hope of the people of Lagos are brightened by this possibility that Ambode represents and they can not afford to give an inch of the land of Lagos to the rule of the plunderers and destroyers of our common wealth. The message is clear to Lagosian that Ambode is prepared and ready to serve them with integrity.

  Here is a man who is close to the grassroots having traversed the 27 local government of the State in his days in the civil service of Lagos. He understands the plight of the people especially the rural dwellers and the elite. As a bridge builder, no part of the society would be neglected.


