Ajadi urges Ogun NNPP members to ‘keep calm, in spite of personal grievances’

The gubernatorial candidate of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) for Ogun State in the last general elections, Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, has sued for peace in the party.

This follows the intense bickering within the party, following its not-so-impressive outing in the last gubernatorial election.

Reacting however, Ajadi wants those who have drawn the sword to sheath it appealing instead, for peace to reign.

He said as much as there was reason for emotional outbursts, that members should rather use the current lesson to firm up strategies for the future.

Addressing those who are offended, he said: “Dear great members of NNPP, I congratulate everyone of you for all your diligence and contribution.

“I want to specially appeal to us to keep calm, in spite of our personal grievances, especially concerning the last elections.

” As good patriots of our party, let’s continue to believe and do the best for the party knowing that 2027 is around the corner.

“As for those who think and act as if they are greater than the part, and can with its destiny, leave them to their folly, they would soon realise the huge mistake they have done”

He said they should always remember the decency for which NNPP is known and conduct themselves along that line.

“I am optimistic of the NNPP taking the mantle of leadership of our great nation, let the same mind be in all of us”, he admonished.


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