6 Simple Life Hacks That Will Transform Your Life

If you have just moved out of your parent’s home and you are wondering how they managed to stay organised and sane.

If you are looking for ways to simplify the parts of your life you can control. Then you must have observed that life can be such a hassle. Here are six simple life hacks that will help you save time and money while you live life to the fullest:

Create an automated savings account for your necessities

The last thing you would want as an adult is to run out of cash when your rent is due or some emergency comes up. Money comes and goes, so those bills. So, plan by putting some money away for those necessities.

Set up an automated savings account that takes away a good percentage of your wage consistently with restrictions that prevent you from pinching into it until the actual need arises.

There is a plethora of mobile savings apps that offer these services, some even help you save money in other strong currencies to prevent devaluation. You can also use this hack to save money for vacations, gifts, Asoebi, or even black tax!

READ ALSO: Sleeping early a life hack for success

Ensure you conduct thorough research before giving them access to your money.

Use nail polish to differentiate your keys

Keys and door knobs seem to know when one is running late or in a hurry. Suddenly, the key to the main door appears to no longer be amongst the bunch of keys. To prevent this use nail polish of different colours to create a colour code for your keys and locks. Put a dash on each key and on the locks they match. All you have to do next time is to check the key that has the same colour as a door lock.

Store your foods and condiments in labelled air-tight containers

Have you ever made tea or hot chocolate with salt? Tasty right? I don’t think so either. Putting your food items into air-tight labelled containers will not only prevent you from mixing them up, but they will also make them easier to reach for. These containers will also prevent them from damaging early.

Clean up as you go

It is common knowledge to plan out how to spend time, especially if you are an adult living alone. However, you do not want to spend all your time scheduling a house clean-up every day. You may even end up procrastinating due to other urgent tasks. So, wipe off all counters immediately after you are done using them, take the trash out once it’s full, wash your utensils as you cook, rinse off your cereal bowl once you are done, dispose of empty packets of chips and bottles of drinks once you are done. The trick here is to not leave a pile that would turn into another chore.

Put your alarm clock or phone out of your arm’s reach at night

Have you ever set an alarm but once it rang you turned off the annoying sound because you wanted to ‘rest your eyes’ a little? Honestly, everyone is guilty of this. However, if you want to break this habit, all you have to do is put your phone or alarm clock across the room. That way you are forced to get out of bed to turn it off and now you are awake. Please do not fall into the temptation of going back to your warm cosy bed.

Schedule an hour for yourself every day

Life’s events can leave one baffled, leaving them tired and feeling empty. Dedicate an hour or two of your daily schedule to yourself. In this ‘me time’, turn off all notifications and focus only on you. Use this time to commune with God, journal your thoughts, read a book, take a walk, or practise your art/hobbies. Remember that no one can pour from an empty glass, so pour it into you first.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.
