3 Keys To Survive The Creative Industry In Nigeria

The creative industry has been evolving in Nigeria and it has only just begun. As overlooked and underrated as the creative industry is, it actually has a lot of  potential to add to the Nigerian economy with the rising surge and global awareness of the creative industry in Nigeria.

Who are the creatives?

Creatives are the artists in society, the visual artists, the poets, the fashion designers, the actors and actresses, the stylists, the models, the musicians, the makeup artists but to mention a few. Trust me the creative industry as wide as the artist whose profession and occupation is to add to the creative hub of the society and so far this industry has been doing a bang up job without support and guidance.

Till we get the necessary structure to make this industry work, here are 3 ways to survive the creative industry.


The creative industry at the moment in Nigeria has not been fully established and structured, it is still in it’s baby phase so the best we can do is support one another. United we stand, divided we fall. Learn to help the other creative climbing the ladder. See the bigger picture for the industry you are getting into.


As much as we all think we can enter into the creative industry, that industry is not for everyone. So if you want to get into it, become a professional in your chosen field, learn, grow and apply professionalism in your dealings. The corporate world would not take it any other way and neither should the creative industry.


Honesty is the key word. Be honest to yourself, your business, your clients and people around you. Honest to yourself to set goals you can achieve, honest to your clients to deliver when you should and honest to lead the way for others to follow.



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