10 Unhealthy Habits To Avoid

Habits are a thing with every living being, be it good or bad. However as it is said “old habits die hard” thus, here are 10 unhealthy habits to avoid.

1. Always eating out
Eating good meals leaves an incredible feeling, however, certain fast foods tend to contain a high measure of condiments to make the taste and smell irresistible with proportions of minerals that are too high for the body to metabolise quickly.

Research over the years clearly shows that frequent consumption of processed and fast food leads to inflammation, a main driver of various diseases such as obesity, depression, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and others. It’s okay to eat out occasionally, however it shouldn’t be the norm.

2. Smoking
Smoking is an expensive indulgence, a momentary high. It is a wide-known fact that smoking is one of the most unhealthy habits. A stick of cigarette, when burnt, contains over 7000 chemicals, according to the American Lung Association. Worse-off, it is very difficult to quit smoking.

However, starting an exercise routine is a candid advice for quitting because it will show you how much of an impact it has on your body and will assist to motivate you to stop. Smoking excessively and for an extended period of time harms the heart and lungs and increases the risk of cancer.

3. Taking personally stress loads which you can’t handle
Always pay attention to your stress level. The primary stress hormone is cortisol. It alongside others, help the body deal with long term or high intensity situations that might weaken the body down or expose it to danger. Constant stress can lead to problems with sleeping, eating, malaise, loss in concentration, headaches and reduced immunity. Your health will improve significantly if you figure out the best way to deal with stress for you personally. Some of the popular methods include, physical activities, hobbies and positive social associations.

4. Sleeping irregularly (sleeping late or waking up late)
Sleep enables a reboot, repair and re energising of the body. Research has proved that fluctuating amounts of sleep and erratic bedtime puts health at risk, because it alters the rhythm of biological activities in the body. Inordinate sleep patterns could lead to insomnia, high blood pressure and sugar levels etc. Because our bodies produce their highest levels of cortisol between 7.00am and 8.00am, rising early improves both your health and productivity.

Man smoking pinterest.com

5. Ignoring air quality
One important health factor that often goes unnoticed is air quality in your house, workplace or current location. High levels of CO2 and volatile organic compounds can adversely affect the pulmonary and nervous system. Avoid areas that expose you to second hand smoking since its worse to breathe it in than the smoking process which seeks to expunge the hot air carrying the numerous activated compounds. Generator fumes should be channelled into spaces with decent air flow too.

6. Not drinking enough water
About 55 and 78 percent of the human body is made of water, thus, should your body leave you signs of thirst, it already is dehydrated. When you don’t drink enough water for a long time, your body muscles tend to lose mass, increasing risk of muscle cramps or injuries, skin becomes dull, stool hardens, increasing the chances of a tear, darkened and less urine, and lower body strength.

Water is also necessary for salvation, which washes away bacteria and lessens the likelihood of bad breath. Dehydration can lead to persistent headache and fatigue. Medical research shows that a person typically needs to drink eight glasses of water per day and even more if you often eat salty food, drink a lot of coffee or work in extreme hot conditions.

7. Taking vitamins or supplements before talking to doctor
Although vitamins and supplements are frequently promoted as essential for improving general health, preventing a pale appearance to the body, boosting the immune system, and preventing diseases, you shouldn’t take them without first speaking to your doctor. Because every individual is unique in body makeup, several common supplements might not work well for your body. Take the time to discuss with your doctor what vitamins and supplements would be best for your body in light of your regular activities.

8. High salt intake in meals
High Salt diet increases the sodium content of the blood, thus, increasing the chances of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attacks. It also increases thirst, swells the feet. Drinking sufficient quantities of water helps flush sodium from the kidneys.

9. Minimal movement or sitting for too long in one place
The presence of several joints in the human body demonstrates that it is built for mobility, not a sedentary lifestyle. Movement ensures steady blood flow to body parts distant from the heart. This act when prolonged could lead to a myriad of maladies such as deep vein thrombosis, weight gain, back ache, weakened bones in elderly people.

10. High consumption of instant noodles
A reliable guideline! Any meal with the term ‘instant’ in the name is probably something you should attempt to avoid getting addicted to.

The food has probably been depleted of the fibres and vital elements that make up a healthy meal. Additionally, the sodium content of instant noodles is often times quite high, and the seasoning packets include monosodium glutamate (MSG), a taste enhancer with an addictive feeling. Several restaurants prepare a range of foods with MSG as well.
